Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Book #21 - Nefertiti by Michelle Moran

Sunday afternoon, I went to Target for diapers and saw this book on the Target Club Pick shelf. Out of all periods of time in both World History and Art History, the Egyptians have captivated me the most. So, I thought I'd take a shot on this book. It was absolutely fascinating, and I have been engrossed in it since the first page. As I started to read, I felt like I was being pulled into a very similar set of circumstances as those of Anne Boleyn as displayed in "The Other Boleyn Girl." Both families conniving to be in a place of power, using antics and deception to control the king, and to the point of desperation to produce a male heir. I didn't realize how powerful Nefertiti became and that she and her husband made up their own "god" to set them apart from all other Pharaohs. Just like in Anne Boleyn's story, Nefertiti's ended in crushing devastation. She lost her husband, four children, and the city they built together. Also like in "The Other Boleyn Girl," there was a sister to the powerful woman who wanted nothing but a simple life, and the sister was pulled back into the limelight time and again. Like Mary in "The Other Boleyn Girl," Mutny (Nefertiti's sister) wound up raising the future monarch of Egypt. This is a fantastic book that reads simply but demonstrates the time of the Egyptians in great detail and description. I'm going to have to get the sequel that describes the life of Nefertiti's niece, Nefertiri. A note for anyone who decides to read this, there is a glossary of terms in the back that I did not discover until half way through. It is extremely helpful. I'm so thrilled with this great find!!

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